Riding the Perimenopause Rollercoaster: A Guide to Thriving Through the Ups, Downs, and Loop-de-Loops!

Ladies, buckle up because we're about to dive headfirst into the wild ride that is perimenopause. Yes, that's right, the phase that heralds the approach of menopause like a hormonal town crier shouting, "The end is nigh!" But before you start envisioning yourself as the lead in a horror movie titled "The Perimenopausal Haunting," let's add a twist of lemon to lighten up the mood. Imagine if your hormones were party guests – some are sobbing in the corner, others are dancing on tables, and a few have vanished without a trace. Welcome to the party!

Now, onto the serious bit with a sprinkle of humor: when your inner hormonal party starts resembling a scene from a wild college bash (you know, the kind where you find your shoes in the microwave the next morning), it's time to talk about the "D" word – Dutch testing. Not a test for learning about windmills and tulips, but a comprehensive hormone panel that gives you the lowdown on what's really happening at your hormone hoedown. Your medical doctor can order this and other tests to help you understand your levels better than a sommelier knows their wines. It's like getting a backstage pass to your own body, allowing you to know exactly which hormones are crowd-surfing and which ones have passed out backstage.

But here's the kicker: when your hormones are off-kilter, it's not just about mood swings and hot flashes. It's like knocking over the first domino that can lead to a cascade of health issues, from sleep disturbances to bone density concerns. And here's the plot twist – perimenopause isn't just for the 45+ club anymore. Women as young as 25 are getting VIP tickets to this hormonal rollercoaster, so if someone tries to brush off your concerns like crumbs on a kitchen counter, remind them that age is just a number, especially when it comes to your health.

So, to all my fabulous ladies between 25-45, consider this your rallying cry to embrace the perimenopause journey with a bit of humor, a lot of knowledge, and an arsenal of support. Remember, it's not about taming the rollercoaster but learning how to enjoy the ride, twists, turns, and all. Let's not just survive the perimenopausal wave; let's surf it with style, grace, and maybe a few well-timed jokes about hormone parties. Because when life gives you hormonal lemons, it's time to make some outrageously good lemonade – with a splash of understanding, a pinch of support, and a whole lot of laughter. Cheers to thriving through the perimenopause adventure, one laugh (and hormone test) at a time!

Miranda Malone- CEO, Founder, Esthetician, Paramedical Tatoo Artist  and Laser Technician